Friday, February 11, 2011


Here in Florida, the most talked about and cherished at-risk animal is the manatee. These gentle, quiet, sea mammals are similar to seals or sea lions, but less energetic. So on Wednesday, after visiting my aunt/uncle in their retirement community, we drove to the Manatee Viewing Center provided by the electric generating plant nearby. This shallow, protected channel, is popular with the manatee families. We saw cows with their calves, as well as many older manatees. When in the open, manatees are often hurt by the propellers of motor boats, and manatee watchers learn to identify individual manatees by their scars.

We watched as fish schooled around each manatee, presumably to get a free meal of smaller critters which catch a ride on the manatees' backs. This, of course, provides an easy lunch for the local pelicans.

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