Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ah, the beach

Today we went to Miami Beach and Hollywood. But let’s back up a couple of missed days……….

On Sunday, we went to visit my friend Joyce in Boynton Beach. Joyce and I were co-workers briefly at DeGraff Hospital, and though we’ve kept in touch through Emails, we hadn’t seen each other in 11 years. It was so nice to finally have a face to face conversation, and for us to be able to introduce our husbands.

Monday was moving and set up day, also my day to not feel so well. I dozed through the 2 ½ hour trip to South Miami, where we set up at a County park adjacent to the Metro Miami Zoo. Then I slept some more.

When I finally awoke, we decided to go shopping. Remember, we weren’t going to buy our clothes along the way? But it seems neither of us packed shorts or sandals, because we’d kept hearing how warm it wasn’t in Florida! So, off to the Malls we went!

Now, fast forward to today. Miami metropolitan area is large, wealthy, thriving and traffic burdened! Took us nearly 2 hours to get over to Miami Beach (island) and the Historic Art Deco area. But it was worth it! This was the original tourist area, full of small, elegant hotels built in the 1920’s, across from a lovely park and public beach. The area is still in the process of being restored, and still quite popular with locals and tourists. We noticed a lot of neon tubes and mini lights adorning the facades, and wish we could see it in the evening all lighted.

At the north end of the island, stands a sculptured memorial to the Holocaust victims. Hundreds of gaunt, frightened, naked bodies are crawling up an outstretched arm bearing the tattooed number of a Holocaust prisoner. The surrounding pool reflects the misery and hope of those climbing toward freedom. There are 2 other statues in alcoves bearing quotes from Ann Frank’s diaries, as well as a black marble wall with explanations and names of survivors. A very moving monument.

And finally, our stroll on the beach! In our previous lives, we’d both been to Hollywood and walked the boardwalk there, so we wanted to see it again. And how it has changed! No longer wooden, it should now be called the Broad Walk! A wide expanse of decorative brick provides area for walkers, bicycles, roller blades. It spans an area between the beach and the very edges of the small hotels and vacation homes there. There is still an amphitheater and a new water-pad play ground about in the middle of the 2.5 mile trail. Also souvenir shops and lovely restaurants with outdoor and indoor seating. We enjoyed a sumptuous Greek lunch.

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