Saturday, January 29, 2011

Yachts of Land & Sea; and The Power of Pink

 Again, thanks to the Internet, we found this wonderful little campground at a marina. Right off the bat, the owner invited us to a barbecue the next evening!
From here we headed to Lake Okeechobee, because there is a National Scenic Trail around it. Well, it seems they built a levee around the lake, and you can't see it from the road. But it appears that there is a moat around the lake! Had a nice shrimp dinner in town.
At the barbecue, we met a lot of nice folks, mostly from Canada, who dock here for the winter, and boat as far as Cuba. I tried to get a photo of the local armadillo, but he scuttled into the bushes before I could focus.

On Sat morning we saw something about the Breast Cancer Walk on the news, so we drove to West Palm to check it out. Here's where the money is on the Atlantic coast!! Some of the yachts in the harbor were almost as big as cruise ships!
But the City Park on the waterfront was booming with the Pink event! These folks sure know how to do a fund raiser!!

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