Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What to PacK?

We've been watching the Weather Channel and listening to friends tell us how warm it Isn't in FL in  winter! So, how to chose the clothes to pack? B suggests we pack light and buy appropriate clothes as we go. Are you kidding? Aside from the unecessary expense, we have too many articles of clothing already! I can actually hear the sigh of relief from the drawers, racks and shelves as I remove items to be packed.
So, I lay out all the stuff, sort and down size the piles a couple of times, then finally shove it all into duffle bags. (Empty suitcases take up too much space in the RV after stowing clothes in closets.)
Will I be ready in time? Of course. Will I have packed too much? Undoubtedly. But oh how I love to sort through my clothes and finds things I'd forgotten I owned!
Only 3 more dyas!

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