Friday, January 21, 2011

Medals and Memorials

Ravenall Bridge & USS Yorktown

Yesterday we drove to Patriot's Point in East Charleston to visit the Naval Museum, set up on and around the WWII Aircraft carrier. Nicknamed "the Fighting Lady" it served in the Pacific and later retrieved an Apollo Shuttle.
On board is a wonderful exhibit about the Congressional Medal of Honor, including interactive stories of men and women who have been honored.

There was also a good outdoor exhibit simulating a Viet Nam army camp. Guys our age were there as volunteers, working as though they were reliving that event in their lives.

And then to an earlier war, as we boarded the boat to visit Fort Sumter. Here the first shots of the Civil War were fired, and our NPS guide, Brent, was an excellent source of information about this historical treasure. We also met and chatted with a couple who, in retirement, are NPS Volunteers, serving at parks and historical sites all over the country. A consideration  for us, perhaps?

Today we'll concentrate on chores around the motorhome (yes, it must be cleaned up just like the house), and if the sun comes out later, maybe a ride to the beach.

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